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Home2025 OHR Ride Safety

One Helluva Ride !

Ride Safety

Every year, the communities of Chelsea, Gregory, Stockbridge, Waterloo, and Grass Lake have over 1,000 riders sharing their country roads the second Saturday in July. In many cases, the roads are narrow with little or no shoulder. With that in mind, riders need to be aware of the cars and traffic on the roads in both directions to ensure safety and to be respectful guests in these local communities.

The mark of a safe and effective cyclist is to show respect for and awareness of the surroundings, including weather, road conditions, and others using the road. We request all OHR riders to follow these guidelines.

Cyclists, Check Your Equipment

Always inspect your bike prior to riding and do the following:

Adjust the seat to the proper height and make sure it's locked in place;
Make certain all parts are secure and working properly;
Check that the tires are inflated properly;
Optionally have a rear-view mirror (recommended).

Plan to Be Seen


Make certain drivers can see you by doing the following:

Wear neon, fluorescent or other bright clothing;
Have a bright headlight and taillight.

Wear a Helmet

Helmets are required for everyone – adults and children – on the OHR bike ride. Make certain the helmet is certified by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Follow these guidelines from NHTSA to properly fit the helmet:

Adjust sizing pads or fit ring until the helmet is snug;

Position the helmet level on your head, covering the forehead and not tipped backward or forward; this will be about one to two finger widths above the eyebrow;

Adjust the side straps so they form a “V” shape under and slightly in front of your ears;

Center the buckle on the chin strap under your chin;

Buckle and tighten the chin strap until it is snug; no more than one to two fingers should be able to fit between the chin and strap;

When fitted, the helmet should not rock more than 1 inch side to side or front to back on your head.

Follow These Rules of the Road


Get acquainted with traffic laws; bicyclists must follow the same rules as motorists.

Ride no more than 2 abreast.

Ride single-file when there is traffic behind you.

Remain alert, keep your head up and look around; watch for opening car doors and other hazards.

Use hand signals when turning and use extra care at intersections.

Before entering traffic, stop and look left, right, left again and over your shoulder.

Alert slower riders when you are passing on the left and do not pass on the right.

Do not wear headphones while riding.

When you stop on the course (due to breakdown or to rest or for any other reason) move your bike and yourself well off the road.